Liturgical Ministries

Fellow sisters and brothers in Christ,

“The liturgy is thus the outstanding means by which the faithful can express in their lives and manifest to others the mystery of Christ and the real nature of the true church.” Sacrosanctum Concilium

“Liturgy, then is not about what St. John’s parish “does” on Sunday morning at 10:00. It is about what God accomplishes in all of us in communion with each of us.” (Preparing Parish Liturgies p. 3)

I was inspired by these quotes and thought I would share them with you as we call attention to the rebuilding of our liturgical ministries at St. Alphonsus. The six ministries I’m referring to are: Eucharistic Ministers, Sacristans, Lectors, Altar Servers, Ushers and Music. I echo Fr. Rick’s appreciation for all those who continued to serve through the various stages of the pandemic.

In coming weeks, I will be asking current Liturgical Ministers to share their reasons for participating in their ministry. It is my hope that through stories of personal witness that you will be inspired to consider how God is calling you to a fuller participation at mass. I am happy to discuss any questions you may have.

I would like to leave you with another quote from Rita Thiron’s book, Preparing Parish Liturgies: [at the Mass] “We celebrate what God has already accomplished in Christ and our participation in it!” I pray that through the Holy Spirit, we can rebuild our ministries, and foster our Christian community through our worship!

Have a great week! Carol Fedewa

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