Lectors proclaim the Word of God to the congregation during Mass. Training sessions are offered throughout the year. This ministry is open to High School aged students and adults.
Contact: Art Hohendorf, 616-459-9539
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ to the congregation during Mass. Training sessions are offered twice a year. This ministry is open to anyone who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Contact: Gene Kozminski, 616-459-1390
Music Ministry
Cantors are needed at all Masses. The Contemporary groups performs at the 4:15pm Mass on Saturday. Rehearsals are required. Instrumentalists are welcome to participate at the Mass of their choice. This ministry is open to High School students and adults.
Contact: Carol Fedewa, 616-451-3043 Ext. 408
Altar Servers
Altar Servers assist the priest during the celebration of the Mass. There are a few training sessions each year and all youth in 3rd grade or higher are strongly encouraged to join this ministry.
Contact: Fr. Christopher, cepplett@stalphonsusgr.org
Ushers welcome and assist people as they enter church. Duties also include collecting the offering, guiding movement of the communion procession, and passing out bulletins. This ministry is open to anyone High School aged or older.
Contact: Rob Taber, 616-726-2179
Sacristans prepare the offertory gifts and handle all duties necessary to prepare Mass for the priests. Some clean up after Mass may be required. This ministry is open to adults.
Contact: Gene Kozminski, 616-459-1390
Funeral Sacristans
Sacristans are needed on an on call basis to assist during funerals. Duties include unlocking the church, performing sacristan activities, act as Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers if needed, and close and lock the church following the funeral. Volunteers are usually scheduled on a monthly basis.
Contact: Jeri Holzgen, 616-610-7922