New Redemptorist Staff
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Now that you know "who" is leaving St. Al's, I will give you the names of the new Redemptorists who will be coming to minister with you in the near future.
Rev. Thomas Santa will be the new Superior of the Redemptorist Community and assume other responsibilities with the Province.
Rev. Richard Potts will be the new Pastor.
Rev. Chung Tran will be an Associate Pastor.
Rev. Joseph Butz will be in residence as a Senior Member.
Brother Leo Patin will be in residence as a Senior Member.
Rev. Bernie Carlin will remain here as an Associate Pastor.
So there is your new Redemptorist Community here in Grand Rapids! Across the province, a total of 52 men were transferred with these appointments. Many communities are experiencing the same large changes and going through the process of adapting to the "hellos" and the "good-byes."
Let us keep praying for one another! Some of us current CSSR here will be sneaking in some vacation time before the final farewell. So, I will do my best to schedule the weekend liturgies early enough and get them on the website so you will know who is saying what Masses.
Blessings, Fr. Pat, C.Ss.R.