CSSR Transfers
Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
Well, the transfers have been made official for our Province and there will be a lot of packing and traveling taking place over the summer months. Here is what is happening at St. Al’s, Grand Rapids:
Father Tom Danielsen is moving to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in Kansas City as a senior priest in residence.
Father Tuan Nguyen is moving to Sacred Heart Rectory in Seattle, Washington to begin ministry in a Vietnamese Parish.
Father Brian Johnson has been assigned as Associate Pastor at St. Michael’s Parish in Chicago, IL.
Brother Andy Patin will be moving to St. Clement’s Mission Community in St. Louis as Support Staff.
Father Bernie Carlin will remain here at Grand Rapids as an associate pastor.
And, I , Father Pat Grile will be moving to Tucson, Arizona to be on the Pastoral Staff at the CSSR Renewal Center at Picture Rocks.
These appointments are effective September 1, 2019. What that means is there will probably be a lot of traveling being done in the later part of August so men can get to their new destinations.
Over the weekend of August 3-4, we will celebrate the feast of St. Alphonsus, the Patron of our Parish and the founder of the Redemptorists. The Parish Life Commission and the Parish Council have decided to have refreshments at all the masses that weekend and a reception on Sunday from noon to 2:00pm. All the current Redemptorists will be around to say farewell and enjoy your wonderful friendship and support.
Let us pray for all our CSSR who will be moving and especially all our parishes and ministries that are being affected by these transfers. Changes are not easy for any of us. So let us support one another and lift each other up in prayer for the gentleness and guidance of the Lord in our lives!
Next week I will list the names of the Redemptorists who will be coming to St. Al’s.
Prayerfully, Fr. Pat, C.Ss.R.