St. Alphonsus Liguori
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
St. Alphonsus Liguori (1696-1787), Doctor of the Church, feast day August 1, was born into a noble Italian family. A legal savant who was awarded a double doctorate in law at the age of sixteen, Alphonsus abandoned his legal career to care for the poor and ill of Naples. In 1732 he founded the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, known as the Redemptorists. In 1832 the Redemptorists came to the United States to work for German speaking immigrants in Philadelphia. From there the Redemptorists spread throughout the country and came to Grand Rapids in August 1888 to start our own St. Alphonsus Parish.
St. Alphonsus is known as the Doctor of Prayer as well. Below are some of his reflections on prayer and God’s love for us.
“Just as a mother delights in holding her child in her lap covering her child with kisses and caresses, so is God’s tenderness toward us, his children.”
“You can pray anywhere, at anytime, even at work or at recreation. Prayer consists simply in lifting your mind to God.”
“Pray, pray, never cease to pray; for if you pray, you will surely be saved.”
“Whenever you see beauty in the fields, flowers, or fruits, reflect upon God who has given these numerous gifts to you out of love and as a promise of future happiness.”
“Mary is truly our Mother, not indeed carnally, but spiritually, of our souls and of our salvation.”
“Let each one of say in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament: Behold my love! Behold the object of all my love for my whole life and for all eternity!”
“Long live Jesus and Mary!”
Follow the example of St. Alphonsus and pray every day. And go to Jesus through Mary.
Joyfully, Fr. Pat, C.Ss.R.