Those in Need

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

I pray that you are blessed and safe. I also hope you had an enjoyable holiday weekend. I continue to pray for the wisdom and intercession of the Saints that people stay safe from the reckless behavior of those who think they are impervious to Covid-19. Fr. Stenger, who was the Redemptorist at St. Clement’s in Liguori, MO, who caught the virus despite all their safeguards, passed this week. Please pray for his family and friends.

While we carefully screen those who come to visit us, we were happy to welcome one of Fr. Chung’s classmates this past week. A couple more classmates came in and they are making their annual retreat together at a cabin up North. Fr. Tom is also away for a couple weeks with one of his classmates. They were offered the use of a vacation home out West that belongs to some friends of theirs. I will be leaving this Tuesday for The U.P. for a bit of rest and exploration. I am hoping that the Fall colors will be putting on a display. I want to thank those who suggested places to visit. I am looking forward to getting away, as well as, experiencing The U.P., which I have heard so much about. Many nature photographers consider it the crown of the Midwest. My plan is to do a loop around the central portion, but that is always subject to change as nature dictates.

Last week I gave my space in the bulletin to Michelle so that she could share some of her experiences in helping the needy. Just as there are many people, who never imagined that they would need assistance. That need increases at an alarming rate as one goes down the economic scale. While we continue to help those in our community, as well as, those parishioners who need assistance (please do not hesitate to contact us), we are trying to find ways to help the growing number of homeless. As Michelle shared, socks and underwear are always needed. Another thing that really helps are the mini/travel size toiletries. It’s pretty hard to carry around full size bottles. If and when you travel, consider collecting those in your hotel room. I have at times run into housekeeping and after introducing myself, shared with them that we collect these items for the homeless and have at times left with a bag of them. We are also preparing special food bags with items that they can eat without needing a kitchen.

The other group that remains in great need are our children. For those who have physically returned to school, they have found their cafeterias unable to serve food since everything has to be individually wrapped. Fr. Chung and I have been speaking about ways that we can help. We are going to first contact Kid’s Food Basket to see if we can get their assistance, as well as, their ideas on what items are best to provide. I will also be speaking with Fr. George to see what the status is at ASA. Please stay tuned in for ways in which you can help. In the mean time, please keep children and our schools, both physical and online, in your prayers.

In the Redeemer, Fr. Rick

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