September 9 - Day of Prayer and Fasting

In the midst of our country’s ongoing racial unrest, we come together as Catholics to pray for healing, atone for the Church’s and our personal past sins of racism and seek forgiveness, and call on the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen us in continuing to work for peace and racial justice.

To focus on these actions, Bishop Walkowiak has declared September 9, the feast of St. Peter Claver, as a Day of Prayer and Fasting in the diocese for racial healing. St. Peter Claver is the patron of missionary work among black slaves.

Catholics of the diocese are encouraged to take the following actions:

Read the U.S. Bishops Pastoral Letter speaking out against racism Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love.
Open Wide Our Hearts

Pray the rosary or attend Mass. There will be two masses celebrated at St. Al's on September 9 at 7:00am and 9:00am. In addition, Bishop Walkowiak will celebrate Mass at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew at 7:00pm that evening.

Learn more about the life of St. Peter Claver and the work of the Church in fighting racism
Committee Against Racism

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