Message from Fr. Rick

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

I pray that you are staying in, staying healthy, and being blessed. I realize that this is hard on all of us, and especially hard on those who are having financial difficulties and those who do not like being cooped up or inactive. It can be even harder on us Catholics who are not able to come together as a community and gather around The Table of our Lord to have our spirits nourished.

In these difficult times we must remember that we have been united in a very special way through the Sacraments of The Church. Our baptisms have made us The Children of God, and sisters and brothers to one another. The Eucharist makes us The Body of Christ, and truly unites us as one. Our Confirmation completes the Sacraments of initiation, anoints us with the Holy Spirit and fills us with the strength of God. While spiritual communion can never take the place of receiving The Eucharist, the truth is that having received These Sacraments we have become The Body of Christ and no amount of “distancing” can change that. No amount of walls can truly divide us from one another.

When I spoke to my mom the other day she mentioned how the number of robberies and violent crimes had dropped. While it is infuriating to think of the “carpet baggers” who are trying to capitalize on this situation, it is inspiring to see how many people who are finding all sorts of creative ways to help their neighbor. Parents are finding a new respect for the teachers of their children. We are all seeing just how dedicated our doctors and nurses are. Neighbors are reaching out to help, and even, entertain one another. Even children are getting in on the act. It shows us just how amazing the human spirit and the power of love can be. If you doubt it just take a look at social media or the evening news. Most of us have never lived through anything like this, but with the help of God, the strength of our faith and the love and support of one another we will not only survive it, but maybe even come out stronger because of it.

Stay in touch through our web page and Facebook account to see the various things we are doing to help us stay connected as a parish, as well as, trying to serve the needs of our community as best as we can. Please stay in touch with one another, especially our seniors and those who are ill. If there is something we can do to help, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. As you probably know, we have been live-streaming mass at 9:00 am each morning. We are planning something a little special for Palm Sunday, so stay tuned. May God continue to watch over you and your loved ones and keep you safe and healthy.

In the Redeemer, Fr. Rick

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