Catholic Relief Services

Dear Friends in Christ,

The Catholic Church has always been there to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and provide hope and physical help to those in need. This year, our outreach needs to be even greater in response to the COVID- 19 pandemic.

Throughout the world, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has responded. On the West Bank, CRS helped open a COVID-19 testing center. In Ethiopia, CRS is working to increase awareness of COVID-19 and provide protective gear. In Guatemala, more than 89,000 health workers, community leaders and partners were trained on how to provide mental health support. These are a few examples of the way CRS is responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in addition to their ongoing relief and development work.

Now we have a great opportunity to support this work. The CRS Collection will take place in our parishes the weekend of March 13-14. This collection provides funding for Catholic Relief Services, the USCCB Offices of International Justice and Peace, Migration and Refugee Services, and Pastoral Care for Migrants and Refugees, the relief work of the Holy Father, and the Catholic Legal Immigration Network.

I am aware of annual misinformation campaigns about this collection and the work of CRS. These allegations are not new. They rely on misleading interpretations and inaccurate information. CRS is committed to Catholic teaching and has in place a process for rigorous decision-making to ensure Catholic teaching is upheld in its work. I fully stand behind CRS!

Please contribute to this year’s CRS Collection. There are few collections more critical than this one. Your prayers and financial support allow these organizations to bring assistance and the love of Christ to people in need across the globe. For more information on the organizations whose work benefits from your generosity, please visit

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend David J. Walkowiak Bishop of Grand Rapids

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