Upcoming Changes

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

This weekend we have a couple important announcements to make. The first is in regards to Bob’s retirement, which I believe you are all aware of, and the changes we will be making to our staff. The other one I asked AJ to make on behalf of the Finance and Administration Commission. This is to inform you of our current financial position and one of the ways we hope to help address it.

As a side note, those of you who are part of our electronic giving program may have noticed that when we changed signatories on the parish accounts the bank somehow lost the connection with all of those people. Thus, nothing was withdrawn from your accounts for 2-3 weeks. They kept telling Bob they would have it restored, but after three weeks he just tried to restore it all himself. He believes he has most people restored, but he is not sure if he got everyone. So if you are part of that program, or would like to be, and nothing is being withdrawn from your account please give Bob a call. For those of you who have been restored, we of course cannot go back and withdraw for those missed Sunday’s. If you would like to send us a check to make up for those skipped Sunday’s we would of course greatly appreciate it. I thank you, and everyone, for you faithful generosity.

On a personal note, I apologize if I have been a bit hard to reach these past couple of weeks. Since Fr. Pat’s departure I, with help, have been cleaning, painting and unpacking, while trying to make the space my own. I have never been accused of traveling light, and so, unpacking has been a bit of a challenge, especially since I started packing back in June. Which means that some things have been in boxes for 6 months, and trying to find certain items can be a challenge. Some items have been packed for so long that opening them is a bit like Christmas and I discover things I forgot I packed. People who can pack their lives into a couple suitcases have always been a bit of an inspiration to me, but on the other hand, I have a lot of resources and tools that I find very helpful, not to mention a couple hobbies that have blossomed over the years.

I was also having some trouble getting the new email and phone system set up, but I believe we have that all figured out. If you need me don’t hesitate to try and track me down. Hopefully, I’ll be back in my office soon, because I think I can see light at the end of the hallway…or is that just another box???

In the Redeemer, Fr. Rick

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