The Kingdom is at Hand
Dear sisters & brothers in Christ,
I pray that you are blessed. As we settle into the new year our minds turn to what’s ahead in 2020. In one sense we Redemptorists are still getting settled in, and will probably feel like this until we get a full year behind us and we have experienced the changing of seasons and all the various activities and events here at St. Alphonsus. Of course, Sandy and Katie are also trying to settle into their new positions. Time marches on and so we have to start preparing for the next things on the agenda.
As we make plans for Lent & Easter, we are planning on hosting something new this Lent, as I mentioned last Sunday. For those of you who were not here, we will be one of the first parishes to host the new “Jesus Mission.” Fr. Tom Santa has been working on this for several years. It should be a great experience for the entire parish. There will also be many of the usual Lenten events, and of course, the one everyone is talking about is The Fish Fry. Bob has turned the reigns fully over to Cindy Hodges this year. She will certainly need your support, just as we will need your time & talent if it is going to be a success.
Our “College Sponsor” forms are ready and are in the back of church. If you have a college student in your family who would like to be enrolled, please fill out the student card. If you want to be a sponsor, please fill out the sponsor card. Both cards can be placed in the box in the rear of church, or you can take it home and bring it back next week or simply mail it to the office. Thanks, and let’s keep our students in our thoughts and prayers.
The Gospel today calls us to follow Jesus. The Apostles left everything they knew and followed Jesus into the unknown. We don’t have to make that radical of a change, but we are called to let go of those things in our lives that are not of God. Those things that hold us back, that keep us from giving our lives to Christ and fully embracing the Gospel. The Apostles were very spontaneous in their decision. We have been given the grace of time, but we cannot wait forever. Jesus changes John’s message just a bit and reminds us that “The Kingdom is at hand.” It is right here, right now. We are its citizens, and we must pledge our allegiance first and foremost to The Kingdom of Our Father. Take care and God bless.
In the Redeemer, Fr. Rick