Happy Easter

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

May the risen Lord breathe on our minds and 
open our eyes that we may know Him 
in the breaking of the bread
And follow Him in His risen life!

THANKS to all our liturgical ministers who did so much to make our liturgies meaningful and inspiring: musicians, cantors, choirs, accompanists, servers, lectors, eucharistic ministers, ushers and sacristans. THANKS to all those who cleaned and decorated our church to enhance its beauty and delight our eyes. THANKS to all those who gave behind the scenes in the scheduling and preparing our liturgies. ALL contributed and shared their gifts. This is what makes St. Al’s the wonderful community of God that it is……bless you all.

On behalf of all the lay staff and the Redemptorists who serve you here at St. Al’s, I wish you a very Happy Easter, filled with the deep peace and joy of the Risen Lord!

Gratefully, Fr. Pat, C.Ss.R.

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