What to do in 2022?

Dear sisters & brothers in Christ,

I pray that you are blessed and that you safely made it across the threshold of the new year. Now we ponder:

“What does God need you to do in 2022?”

As we seek The Light and follow the pathway of our God, let us pray that we be healed of the pandemic and that Christians everywhere earnestly seek to follow the Prince of Peace and our world seek the path of peace together.

The staff and Parish Council are planning and working to bring our parish back to a greater sense of normalcy, and what could be more normal to St. Al’s than the Fish Fry! Cindy & Steve have once again agreed to oversee it, but they need the help of every parishioner if we are going to pull it off. We are also reviving a number of our ministries. Not to mention continuing the work of evangelization. So, wherever God is calling YOU, we have a place for you. There are plenty of opportunities at St. Alphonsus to spread The Gospel and build the kingdom. So come one, come all!

In the Redeemer, Fr. Rick

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