Usher/Greeter Ministry

Dear Parishioners,

As you may have observed lately, you are hearing more about the need for people to come forth and participate in our church community ministries. A few weeks ago Phyllis Saganski asked for new volunteers to help with funeral luncheons. This past weekend we heard Lisa Kraemer tell us about the Ladies’ Auxiliary group. The next couple of weeks we will be focusing on rebuilding our Usher/Greeter ministry.

As we (hopefully) are arriving at the other side of the pandemic, we know life has changed significantly for all of us. In many ways, things will never go back to the way they used to be. However, this is no time to lose hope or waste time wistfully reminiscing about the past. In the book, Rebuilt, the story of the Church of the Nativity in Timonium, Maryland, Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran, his Pastoral Associate, explain the way things were for their parish before they decided to start doing things differently. Not changing the mass of course, but developing a culture of ministry from what was formerly a culture of consumerism. Though it was written well before the pandemic, I feel the concepts are just as applicable today as they were in 2013. I highly recommend this book for its insights as well as its suggestions for parishes as we strive to find our way forward as disciples of Christ.

I have more to say on this topic that I hope to share with you in the coming weeks. Last weekend we had a flyer in the bulletin describing the Usher/Greeter ministry. This weekend I echo the message to prayerfully consider joining the Usher/Greeter ministry. We will have sign ups in person after all the masses the week-end of October 2-3. We will also be following up with those who expressed interest on their census form. To find out more, contact Carol Fedewa at 913-4408, or email

Have a great and blessed week, Carol

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