
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

I pray that you are blessed. I wanted to once again thank all of you who shared those blessings with the children of Nigeria. About 25 years ago I took a trip to Haiti. The conditions were almost unbelievable. Most people had hardly anything. The entire infrastructure of the country had collapsed. The mountain village where we spent most of our time had just received electricity for the first time. It consisted of 75 watts, which they divided into three 25 watt bulbs (one for the new church, one for their old church, now a gathering place, and one in the town square). Everything else was simply pitch black. Many of the military and security forces that had supported the dictators, where now bandits, who constantly raided and robbed whomever they wanted. However, despite all the deprivations and hardships, they were some of the most joyful people I have ever met. Sometimes when I find myself complaining over the most ridiculous stuff or being ungrateful despite my many blessings, I recall the smiles on their faces and I recount my abundant blessings.

This past week we celebrate The Feast of All Saints. I asked people to raise their hands if they had lost someone close to them. I then asked them to raise their hands if they believe that person, or persons, was in heaven... and hands shot into the air. Even though The Church has a very lengthy and complicated process for declaring someone a “Saint of The Church,” these people were convinced that their loved one was amongst those in The Kingdom of God. How many of you would have raised your hand? And, how many of you believe that your loved one intercedes for you with The Lord?

The ironic thing is that while we are so certain that our family member or friend is in heaven, we persist in our doubts about our own salvation. Even though that person you are thinking of certainly had their doubts, their faults & failing, even their sins; we have no problem believing that God’s abundant mercy washed their sins away and they joyfully received their robe in glory. However, despite God’s Love & Mercy... despite Calvary & The Cross... Despite the glory of The Resurrection and our own Baptism in Fire & Spirit... ... we continue to doubt!?? ...Why church, why?

I tell you, TRUST in the Love and Mercy of God! Set your sights upon The Kingdom, and never let anyone turn you aside! Never let anyone steer you from the course your Lord had set. And just keep your eyes “fixed on Jesus!” “Amen!!!

In the Redeemer, Fr. Rick

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