Respect and Protect
Dear sisters & brothers in Christ,
I pray that you are blessed and enjoying the weather in between the raindrops. While most of the nation is going through a record setting heatwave, we have had comparatively mild weather. I pray for those on the Northern ends of the East and West coasts. I know that many people in Washington State do not have A/C because they very seldom need it. Now they are having temperatures hitting 120 degrees. It’s just crazy.
With relatively nice weather, and with all of the government regulations lifted, many are rushing back to “normal.” It seems like those waving the flag of caution due to the Delta variant are largely being ignored. I know in my home state of Missouri, where the virus has truly been politicized and labeled as a fiction, hospital beds and funeral numbers are once again on the rise. The reason I mention this is two-fold. First of all, PLEASE get vaccinated. Not only will it protect you, and potentially save your life and those around you, but you can begin to relax and not worry so much about it. Secondly, I offer a word of caution. It seems like many have thrown caution to the wind and are living their lives as if Covid-19 is no more. But unfortunately, this is not the case. And even though the guidelines have been lifted for those who have been vaccinated, I urge you to be respectful to those who have not been vaccinated. There are a number of people in our parish who cannot be vaccinated, at least at this time. Primarily our children. But also, people who have medical conditions and compromised immune systems. And so, while we will become more and more active, and many of our ministries are being restarted, let us do so in a way that respects and protects our vulnerable brothers & sisters.
I am encouraging everyone who has been vaccinated to find a ministry. We are in great need throughout the parish. We want St. Al’s to be the vibrant and dynamic parish it has always been. There are all kinds of opportunities for all sorts of talents and gifts. If you are very busy and your time is limited, consider a liturgical ministry, since you are at mass anyway. Our YAH ministries are in full swing and I would love to see their numbers grow and more of our parishioners take advantage of all that is offered. Maureen is doing a great job at being creative and finding new ways to educate our parishioners, young and...not so young. The Young Adults, Knights, and Ladies Auxiliary groups are becoming more active, and there are a number of events being planned. One of the next events will be on the weekend of our feast day to honor St. Alphonsus. And so, there are all sorts of ways to become involved.
May God continue to bless you and yours in abundance. And may Our Mother of Perpetual Help continue to watch over you with a mother’s love. And please continue to pray for all of those still suffering with Covid and from its effects.
In the Redeemer, Fr. Rick