Parish Blessing for Fr. Pat

From this weekend's 4:15pm and 9:00am Masses. It’s not goodbye, but until we meet again.

Please stand if you or someone you know was baptized by Fr. Pat?

Please stand if you or someone you know was married by Fr. Pat?

Please stand if you attended a funeral by Fr. Pat?

Please stand if you have heard a homily by Fr. Pat?

Looks like we are all standing…. we have all been touched by you, Fr Pat! 

You have blessed us in many ways 

You will always have a place in our hearts….and here at your home parish of St. Alphonsus.

We now, would like to share OUR blessing for YOU

May God continue to hold you in the palm of His hand…especially these next days as you prepare for and have your knee surgery and go thru rehab….may the doctors, nurses and staff nurture and care for you so that you are restored to wholeness in mind, body, soul and spirit

You have been a ‘gift’ to us at St. Alphonsus…you have lived the motto of the Redemptorist….with God there is plentiful redemption,

you have welcomed ALL … at all times....and in all circumstances

you have been the hand and heart of God …the visible sign of God present

Now may you go forth to continue to build the City of God in Tucson…just as you have done here for us…go forth now, Fr. Pat, with confidence, with great joy and a peaceful heart.  We are grateful for all that you have done for us….

You have awakened us from our slumber, you have shown us a new day is dawning, and helped us to know that the lord of all kindness has called us to be a light for his people….so that we can now continue to build the city of God.

May the road rise up to meet you…..may the wind be always at your back

May the sun shine warm upon your face , the rains fall soft upon your fields, 

And until we meet again, MAY GOD HOLD YOU IN THE PALM OF HIS HAND.

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