Mass Guidelines

Read Bishop Walkowiak’s letter to the Faithful link

Diocesan directives for resuming public Masses link

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, 

It is with great joy, and a bit of trepidation that I write this letter. Joy, because I am excited to see us begin to gather together as a worshiping community. A bit of trepidation, because I know we are stepping into unknown territory, and as we come back together there are risks. While we will be taking many extraordinary steps to keep people safe, we cannot guarantee your safety, and so, I am urging anyone who is in one of the high risk categories (over 65, compromised immune systems, diabetic, ...etc.) to stay at home, at least for the first several weeks while we get bugs (sorry) worked out of this new format. Of course, the obligation to attend Sunday mass has been suspended through the end of June, and we will continue to livestream our masses. We will also be limited to 25% of our capacity, which is between 150-175 people. 

The bishop is encouraging that those who are able to go during the week consider doing so, and leave space on Sunday for those who cannot attend during the week. I know that you want to come and pray in your church, and that you want to attend mass in person, but the main priority right now is your own health and safety. Also if you have recently been exposed to the virus or have any symptoms of it or any virus, that you also stay home. This is not a time to be thinking only of one's self, but all those who you might put in jeopardy. 

Since we are still not able to use the confessionals, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is still by appointment only. Items that cannot be easily sanitized or practices that might spread the virus have been removed from the mass, such as, hymnals, missalettes, holding hands at The Our Father, the exchange of The Sign of Peace, taking up a collection, The Precious Blood and coming for Communion will be different. 

For those of you who do come, expect a number of changes. 

  • First of all, there very well may be changes to our mass schedule, so please check our Web Page for the latest news. We also ask that you send your email address and/or phone number to This way we can keep you updated with the most recent information. 

  • We are still discussing the need to change the times of some of our masses, and whether we will have both of our weekday masses. As of this writing, we will NOT have the Tuesday, 7:00pm mass.

  • Everyone will enter through one door for a number of reasons. 

  • We will also have the side door near the circle drive open, but we ask that ONLY those who absolutely need to use it do so. For this reason, parking in the circle drive is for those people ONLY.

  • As social distancing will be practiced and half the pews will be blocked off, you probably will not be able to sit in “your” pew. Please be courteous and cooperative with the ushers, who are simply doing as I ask. 

  • We are asking everyone to bring a mask, which must be worn by everyone over 2 years of age for the the entire time you are in church. 

  • While some hand sanitizer will be available, you may want to bring a small bottle for you and your family.

  • We ask that you only use the bathroom if truly necessary (and not simply to hide from my sermon). We also ask that you sanitize it before and after you use it. 

  • There will not be any hymnals or missalettes available. While we will be providing a worship aid that will contain the basics, you may want to bring your own missal, missalette, NAB bible, or App (go our Web Page for more information). 

  • The children's books and toys will NOT be available, and so, we encourage you to bring your own. 

  • Since we will not have a choir we are encouraging everyone to sing, even though masks may make that awkward. 

  • Instead of a normal collection, we are asking you to donate electronically, through the mail, or when you enter or leave the church there will be a box at the rear of the church. 

  • If there is anyone on a ministry list, who does not feel comfortable, then by all means let us know and we will find a replacement. 

And finally and perhaps most importantly, please bring patience & a smile. 

Special Instructions: 

COMMUNION: This will be one of the more complicated parts of the mass. We are asking people to maintain a 6' separation while in line. There will be marks on the floor to help with this. We also are asking that you leave your mask on. When you arrive at the front of the line, the priest or Eucharistic Minister will say, “The Body of Christ.” At that time you respond, “Amen,” (with your mask still on) and then step forward to receive The Eucharist. You will then step aside to remove your mask and consume the Host. You will then put your mask back on and return to your seat. 

We are urging everyone to receive Communion in the hand. If you just can't do that then after responding, “Amen” you will remove your mask and step forward to receive The Eucharist, put your mask back on and return to your seat. For the sake of others, the priest will stop, put the ciborium down, wash and sanitize his hands before resuming. As you can see, not only is this a far less sanitary option for both you and the priest/Eucharistic Minister, it will also lengthen the whole time of Communion, especially if a number of people choose to do so. 

DEPARTURE: It is important that we maintain social distancing as we leave the church, as well, and don't bunch up at the exits. Since everyone is so excited to return to church, don't be so urgent to leave. So, we are asking people to remain in their pew and leave one pew at a time. The doors will be propped open so you will not have to touch door knobs. Due to this social distancing, the priest will remain in the sanctuary and then leave directly into the sacristy. We would love to be able to visit, but for the moment the bishop has requested that we refrain from doing so for everyone's safety. As soon as everyone has left, our cleaning team will begin sanitizing the church for the next mass. We would ask that you please cooperate and do not remain in church to visit or to pray. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate and you can do so outside, but please continue to practice social distancing. We are sorry for this, but we want as many people as possible to attend mass and we want them to be as safe as possible. You are, of course, welcome to join the cleaning crew. 

NOTE: All of this is subject to change between now and Pentecost, and Sunday to Sunday. We have no idea how many people will show up for any particular mass. Nor do we really know how some of these procedures will work. So please keep in touch with us and we will try to update you as best we can. And again, please be cooperative and realize we are all trying our best to follow the guidelines we have been given. 

I am looking forward to seeing all of you again and to begin to return to some sense of normalcy. May God watch over and guide us especially through these first weeks. May The Spirit protect us and strengthen us, and may the love of Christ bind us together and remind us that, even 6' apart, we make this journey together as sisters & brothers. May God bless and keep you. 

In the Redeemer, Fr. Rick

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