Love Your Neighbor
Dear sisters & brothers in Christ,
I pray that you are blessed. Lately we have been teased with warmer weather. All of this up and down weather makes me believe that instead of a groundhog Michigan uses a jack-in-the-box. But regardless, I will take the sunshine whenever I can get it. I am especially looking forward to those Spring days when I have the opportunity to get out, go for a walk and do some photography and enjoy God’s Creation. So often in St. Louis the weather goes form Winter to Summer with little to no Spring-like days.
As you probably know, our Mission Trip is fast approaching. My understanding is that a number of parishioners have been wanting to do a local one for quite a while. It is ironic that we finally arrange one and then Covid shuts it down. “So near, and yet so far.” Well it looks like everything is a go for Baldwin, which is only about an hour away. Baldwin is in the poorest county in the state, so poor that there is not a single fast-food restaurant in the entire county. Some families do not have indoor plumbing. Most of the county relies on the tourist industry: lake activities, hunting and fishing. When Covid shut that down most people lost their income.
We have been helping them over the last couple years by sending them some of what we receive. We are very blest to have a lot of resources, which includes donations from individuals and families, as well as, support from corporations like Meijer. And so we have been tithing a portion of that by sending some food and clothing to a couple churches and organizations up in Baldwin. Now its time to go up and help in some other ways. We will be working with a local “Habitat For Humanity” group.
While I am excited at both witnessing the Mission Group in action, as well as, seeing us do something local, I am also hopeful that this will blossom into an ongoing relationship. Something like a “sister-parish.” So even if you are unable to join the group in May, perhaps there will be other opportunities in the future to help our neighbors and share our blessings. I will close simply by saying THANKS to all of you who generously support our outreach ministry through donations and labor. It is inspiring to know that St. Alphonsus is known for this type of ministry. For me it has always been the work of Christ. It is the manifestation of the Commandment to “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” May God continue to bless you a hundred fold for your generosity. Be assured that you are helping to change lives.
In the Redeemer, Fr. Rick
P.S. From time-to-time I will put a request or need at the end of my letter for a specific talent or skill that we are looking for. One of those skills that pops up every so often is the desire to have an APP that would serve a specific need. I am curious if any of our parishioners have ever cre- ated an APP and might be able to help us do so. Thanks.