Joyful Summer Series
The upcoming Joyful Summer Series is almost here. It was created in response to the past year we’ve just come through. Some of us suffered in truly significant ways and we pray with you that God continues to bless those through the pain. No one has been left untouched by this pandemic. And yet, as Christians, we know that Jesus has been with us through it all. He promised he would be with us and when we allow ourselves the chance to reflect on what we truly believe, it’s a little easier to find the joy we read about over 182 times in the bible!
Joy is found in following and loving God as he commanded us, that is with our whole heart, mind and soul and then doing the same for our neighbors as well. We are interconnected with our neighbors and by his design and remain responsible for caring for each other and our world. Our Joyful series highlights this. Through guest presenters, a six-week long video series, music and other interactive activities this summer, hope to bring an awareness of the simple joys that await us each day. We have designed it in a way that allows ALL ages to participate in any of the activities. Keep watching for details.
We do need volunteers to make this come to life! So please, if you have time this summer to offer us or maybe need service hours, contact the Office of Religious Education at or 459-5472 for more information. We look forward to a joyful summer!