Fish Fry Volunteers Needed


We are still in need for fish fry volunteers in a few key positions. If you are able to help out please contact Sandy directly at 616-913-4413 or to volunteer. You may also volunteer on our signup genius link below.

Kitchen Baked Fish: Pan, season and bake fish. Only needed on 2/24 and 3/3

Kitchen Floater: Kitchen experience preferred. Person to pick up and fill in where necessary. Usually makes batter and helps with baked fish. Only needed on 2/24, 3/24, and 3/31.

Kitchen French Fryer: Fry french fries

Kitchen Clean up: After dinner, tasks include helping end the dinner trash, kitchen floor clean-up, wipe down counters, and put things away.

Dishwasher: Wash all pans and trays in the kitchen during and after dinner.

Dessert donations: Make or buy your favorite dessert and drop them off to the Parish Center Thursday or Friday.

Fish Fry Volunteer Sign Up

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