Council and Ladies Auxiliary
Dear parishioners,
We would like to present to you some of the programs that the Council and Auxiliary are involved with. Many of these programs are possible due to the generosity of the Parishioners of St. Alphonsus. Thank you for your support,
MI Drive: Commonly known as the Tootsie Roll Drive. Our council has participated in this drive annually since 2012. We have distributed $9,571.84 to organizations in Michigan that assist individuals with intellectual disabilities. $2,626392 of these funds has gone to the St. Alphonsus GIFTED Program.
Seminarian Support: Since 2014, our Council has distributed $8,500.00 in support to 17 Seminations, both Redemptorist and Diocesan. In addition, we make annual distributions to the Sacred Heart Major Seminary, in Detroit, Michigan.
Blood Drives: The Parish-Council sponsored the drives and collected 93 units of blood in 2021.
All Saints Academy Scholarships: In 2018, our council issued (3) $500 scholarships to St. Alphonsus Students, who attend All Saints Academy. In 2019, we issued (2) $500.00 scholarships to St. Alphonsus Students who attend All Saints Academy. Additional scholarships will be issued in the future.
Item of the Month Collection: The item of the Month Collection provides St. Alphonsus Food & Clothing Pantry with items of need to keep their mission going. At the close of the Fraternal Year 2021-2022 in June, the following items have been collected. Food: 834.4#, Personal Care: 224.93#, Household: 492.46#, Clothes: (general) 4.6#, Shoes: 28.2#, Boots: 4.5#, Blankets: 9#, Miscellaneous: 113.86#.
Kids Food Basket: Since 2016, the Ladies Auxiliary has supplied the Kids Food Basket with 473# of snack packs. The snack packs are assembled by the ladies then donated to the Kids Food Basket.
Financial Donations: The Council and Ladies Auxiliary have given financial donations to the following programs at St. Alphonsus: The Food & Clothing Pantry, Faith Formation Group, Vacation Bible School, His Hands Ministry, Young at Heart Ministry. And also to Safe Water International Ministry, Project Rachel, and Help Pregnancy Aid, as well as others.
Parish Service: The Council and Ladies Auxiliary serves the St. Alphonsus Parish through: Bibles for the RCIA Candidates, Easter Vigil Service, Fish Fry's, Food Truck, Supper House, Young at Heart Ministry, Hell Gang, Who’s My Neighbor Series, Vita Tax Program, Blood Drives, Habitat Build Project, 40 Days for Life, North East Pole Christmas Store, Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest, Parish Administration, Lectors, Ushers, Eucharist Ministers, Choir and Clergy.
We invite and encourage our Catholic men and women to join us in our efforts to serve the parish and surrounding community. Please feel free to contact us at anytime to help enroll in the Council or Ladies Auxiliary.
Sincerely, Rodney G. Cronin, Past Grand Knight & Phillip L. Van Huffel, Grand Knight of the Council Kathleen A. Alarie–Past President of the Ladies Auxiliary