Catholic Campaign for Human Development

Dear friends in Christ,

Each year we have the opportunity to support the national Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) collection. This program of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops seeks to educate on domestic poverty issues and supports individuals and organizations who are creating solutions in their own communities. People who have been personally impacted by injustice and pain have the best insight in to how to create change. By working together, we recognize the inherent dignity of every person as a child of God. This year’s collection will take place in our par- ishes during the weekend of November 19-20.

Due to the generous support of last year’s parish collection, two organizations working in our diocese received national grants — Together West Michigan and Strangers No Longer. Together West Michigan is an organization whose members work to make positive changes in their own communities, focusing on issues such as mental health, housing and workers’ safety. Strangers No Longer is an organization that helps immigrants by developing “circles of support” in parishes. The Detroit-based organization works in multiple dioceses across the United States.

In addition to making an impact nationally, 25 percent of the CCHD collection remains in our diocese to support local anti-poverty projects. Through your generosity, almost $25,000 was made available to programs in West Michigan this past year. Grants were awarded to Catholic Charities West Michigan’s pregnancy and parenting support services, the Diocese of Grand Rapid’s Office of Hispanic Ministry and Dégagé Ministries.

Thank you for being a part of the effort to break the cycle of poverty in the United States. Projects that receive funding must promote the mission and vision of CCHD while adhering to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Please prayerfully consider giving this year. For more information about the CCHD collection, and the programs it supports, please visit

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend David J. Walkowiak

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