Catechist Thank You

Our year of Religious Education classes ended last weekend. The school year seems to go by faster each year even when the catechists and I know it’s not possible! This year found us joining the Sacrament classes on a few occasions such as working together on a sacramental scavenger hunt between Masses. The 2nd graders appreciated spending time with the older 7th graders and by the end of the year, had each learned a little more (or refreshed their memories!) after spending time together.

A heartfelt thank you to the catechists and helpers from this year. They’ve been told before, but it doesn’t hurt to remind them, we couldn’t run such a successful Religious Education program without them. Thank you catechists: Lisa Kraemer, Sandy Sanchez, Carol Fedewa, Kathy Scanlon and Lisa Frey. Sundays ran more smoothly with help from: Isabelle Mitchell, Gavin McKinney, Gigi Licari, Nico Licari and Javier Sanchez. What a great example of stewardship each week as you shared your time and talents with our students and their families.

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