Back to School

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

I pray that you are blessed and that you have been able to enjoy some of this beautiful weather we have been having. We should be appreciating it even more as we look across the nation and see 100+ days, droughts, fires and devastating floods. So as you are enjoying them, pause occasionally and say a prayer for our sisters and brothers who are suffering.

Along with the weather, we are also watching our children return to school. No matter how well you did in school, whether you liked it or not, the first day back was always exciting. Armed with a new lunch-box and a box (or backpack for you younger people) full of new school supplies and ready to conquer the world. However, it just sickens me that for so many children, who have been traumatized by school shootings, have had that experience stolen from them. I can’t imagine what it is like to be a parent these days. And so, our weekly prayer intention last week was for all children returning to school, and I ask everyone to keep praying for them.

Also in the news has been the changes in Afghanistan this past year. One of which is that girls are only allowed to go to school for a couple of years. It got me thinking of all the children throughout the world who cannot attend schools. Some simply because there are no schools to attend. There are some children who cannot afford to attend. And still many others have to leave school at a young age to go to work and help support the family. This is the reality for the children we work with in Thailand. When I was in Haiti many years ago I was amazed to see the children going to and returning from school. They walked on dirt roads and the students at our school in Porte prince sat three to a desk, but their uniforms were absolutely immaculate. Those uniforms meant so much to them.

As you pray for the children of our country and for an end to the shootings and the other terrible things happening at our schools, please keep these other children in your prayers. These children who do not even have the option to attend school. You might want to add a prayer or two for the parents and families that are sending their loved ones to school praying that they will be safe. Something that we pretty much took for granted... well ok, excluding the occasional bully, but that’s a topic for another letter.

In the Redeemer, Fr, Rick

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