My dear sisters and brothers in Christ, Happy Resurrection Day!!!

We have journeyed these 40 days through the wilderness, broken Bread with our Lord, spent time with Him on Calvary as He died to Redeem us..and today we come to peer into the the empty tomb to be witnesses that our Lord Jesus Christ has RISEN FROM THE DEAD! To proclaim for all the world to hear, “He lives! HE LIVES!! HE LIVES!!!

It is truly wonderful what our God has done for us. For our part we must guard against becoming casual about the whole affair, ... against becoming complacent, and taking this great act of love and sacrifice for granted. We must also remind ourselves that not everyone knows about The Gospel of Jesus Christ. And many who do, do not understand what it means. They fail to see that it was done forthem. They don’t truly believe that God could possibly love them this much. So many do not believe their sins can ever be forgiven, and still more just feel unlovable.

So it is our job as disciples to go into the world and proclaim this Good News. But we must be sure that we do it in a way that rouses the hearts of those who hear it.We must set their spirits on fire as we share The Word with them. We have been given a precious, precious gift. Let us not squander it. Let us not simply bury it in the ground where it will bear no fruit. Instead, let us give it away as freely as it was given to us.

...for He has truly RISEN! ALLELUIA! ALLELUIA!

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