Faith Formation

Important Updates

11/26/24: Children’s Mass will be on Dec. 15 at 9 a.m. Mass and the 4 p.m. Christmas Eve Mass. If your child is interested in helping with Mass, contact: for more information.

On Dec. 15 we will also celebrate Gaudete Sunday, otherwise known as a day of joyful anticipation of Christmas. Bambinelli Sunday What better way to celebrate than to recognize a lesser known tradition called Bambinelli Sunday. The Blessing of the Bambinelli, or the infant Jesus figurine, was “a tradition first instituted by St. John Paul II” (National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception).

“On the Third Sunday of Advent, the children of Rome are encouraged to bring the baby Jesus (Bambinelli) from each of their Nativity sets to St. Peter’s Square… following Sunday’s noon prayers and the Pope blesses the figurines.” Prior to Mass on Dec. 15, Fr. Christopher will offer a blessing over the figurines of the infant Jesus we bring from home.

All parishioners are encouraged to have the figurine from their home nativity set blessed for the season!

11/13/24: The Knights of Columbus are hosting a “Keep Christ in Christmas” poster contest for children in kindergarten through 8th grade. A document with the instructions can be found below.

Religious Education Classes 2024-2025

The merger between the Religious Education (RE) programs of St. Alphonsus and Blessed Sacrament provides an opportunity to modify the shared programming. Please review this notice carefully with its updated information regarding classes. Classes began on Thursday, Oct. 10.

The registration fee is $60 per child for the year. If this is a hardship for your family, please contact Maureen Cromwell regarding scholarships. If you have questions or concerns, please call the Office of Faith Formation. Calendars can be found below.

Supplemental Opportunity: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Families have the option of enrolling young children, ages 3-6, in theMontessori-based Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) at Blessed Sacrament on Thursday from 3:15- 5:30 p.m. This is Level I CGS. We are currently forming a waiting list of parents interested in CGS for children ages 7-9.

This level II program also includes Sacramental preparation for First Communion. If you are interested in level II Montessori programming for your child, please contact by Sept. 30.

Religious Education

“Traditional” programming for grades K-5 will be offered at St. Alphonsus on Thursday evenings from 6:30 – 7:45 p.m. We will continue to use the Diocesan approved curriculum from Pflaum. Thursday evening catechism classes will also include students who are preparing for First Holy Communion.

Youth Group/Confirmation

All 6-8th grade students will join our newly formed youth group on Thursday evenings. Confirmation preparation will be included for this group through six additional meetings/retreats.

Children's Masses (9 a.m. Mass followed by a family continental breakfast and an activity or speaker) will take place on: Sept. 29, (Clique coffee catering outside weather permitting), Oct. 20, Nov. 17, Dec. 15, Dec 24 (4 p.m. Children’s Christmas Eve Mass), Jan. 19, Feb 16, March 16 , May 4 (includes May Crowning ceremony)

Confirmation Students Only (immediately following the Children’s Mass) will take place on Oct. 20, Nov. 3 (offsite fall retreat), Nov. 17, Jan. 19, Feb 16., March 23 (offsite spring retreat Shine Youth rally), April/May spring Confirmation (TBD)

Grades 6 –8 and Youth Group (Thursday evening from 6:30– 7:45 p.m.)

Children’s Masses

All of the children will be welcomed to actively participate in the Children’s Mass. Our hope is that they develop a strong desire to always be involved in Mass, now and as an adult. The Children’s Masses are on the third Sunday of the month October through May, at the 9 a.m. Mass. The children will be invited and encourage to participate at Mass by assuming the parts of a lector, Eucharistic minister, ushers, greeters, altar servers, bringing up the gifts, bringing up their own collection, and any other talents that they have to contribute. We will offer training for all involved. If your child is interested, please call our office.


This is a group for adults with special needs (18 and older who have graduated from high school). The G.I.F.T.E.D. group will provide adults with special needs the opportunity to gather and learn about their Catholic faith and how they can practically apply it in their everyday lives. We all have unique personal circumstances. This program offers the opportunity for those with special needs to hear about God’s love and mercy. While we believe the families and caregivers will always be the primary role models for their adult’s faith formation, we want to support this on-going faith journey.

Faith Formation Ministries

Contact for all Faith Formation Ministries: Maureen Cromwell, 616-451-3043

Volunteers are needed to teach faith formation classes to the children of the parish. Classes are held in the Parish Center on Thursdays from 6:30-7:45 p.m. during the school year starting on Oct. 11. This ministry is open to High School students and adults. Adults must complete VIRTUS training and Catechist Certification.

Vacation Bible School
Volunteers needed for one week in June to work as shop keepers, group leaders and kitchen helpers. This ministry is open to 7th graders through adults.

Youth Group
Volunteers are needed to help plan special events and/or service projects for students in grades 8-12. This ministry is open to adults.

Advent by Candle Light
Event takes place the first Monday of Advent. Volunteers meet in the fall to plan the event and help with decorating, preparation and clean up the day/night of the event. This ministry is open to all women of the parish.